Tuesday, 10/26
And, here is a beautiful post from my younger brother, Corey:
After my sister and brother wrote such amazing tributes to my Dad, I know he is rolling his eyes that I am saying something as well. Sorry Dad, your baby boy has to say something too.

We never imagine this moment when we are dealing with a loss so big. Throughout these 10 months I have talked with many of you and heard your stories of pain and loss. It was always a reminder that we are never alone. I am sure many of you cannot imagine what these 10 months have been like for my Dad and our family. Well, let me tell you a few things….
It has been my Dad not thinking of the condition he is in but only the life story a nurse is telling him and encouraging them to keep pursuing what they are passionate about. Telling every nurse, doctor, whomever would listen, his amazing story. They couldn’t believe the many things we told them…yes, he at one time wanted to be a priest, raced Ferrari’s, modeled, was on The Dating Game and Art Linkletters show “Kids Say the Dardnest Things,” wanted to be a Top Gun Pilot during his time in the Navy…ok Dad, I will stop now.
The list goes on and on. Or the smile he had during some of the hardest days and it would fill my heart a million times over.
It is me jumping into his hospital room like a bad opening act announcing “Its your lucky day Dad…Corey is here to entertain!!” The Falcons games we watched together. The sticky notes my daughter left on the kitchen counter for me to bring to Papa T and tell him how much she loved him. Helping with some part of his medical care and saying “Dad, I may not be a doctor but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night” while he again eye rolled… yes, a common theme
. Asking my Dad to tell the story of how he met my Mom to a nurse but he was mad at me so he refused… and then he said ok only the short version… and then he told the entire beautiful story. 

See, my Dad never let the challenges he had change the person we knew. He was still that optimistic, loving, genuine man we have known our entire life. Like my Dad, I will see blessings in the time we spent with him, the way our family rallied around him and lived the Papa T Strong motto with every ounce of our being. My Dad‘s message to everyone is to find what you’re passionate about and go after it!! That is what truly living life is about. As I told my Mom, he lived so many years of his life in the place he loved (Destin, FL), doing what he loved with the woman he loved… A blessed life indeed! 

The Destin sun has set one last time for my Dad but with that so did one last wave that crashed over all the pain and washed it away. I find peace in the rising of new sun with Jesus and the comfort only he can bring.
To my father and amazing friend, you will never stop teaching me how to love and live with the passion of Tom Alison. I love you Dad with a heart that is hurting but filled with so much joy because of you.
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