Wednesday, 4/14

My dad did the 12 hours on the trach. collar a few days ago and he also just did the 24 hours on the trach. collar! I am so grateful and I pray that he continues doing well so he can get off the trach. soon. It would be awesome if you could pray for dad to:

1) Continue making progress and be able to get completely off the vent soon so he doesn't need the trach. anymore and can breathe on his own for now on.

2) That he would do well in speech therapy and be able to eat solid food again soon.

3) That he can do great with PT to help him get better and stronger more quickly so he can come home to us sooner. 

I know I thank each of you with every blog post I write, but my dad has always told me that it never hurts to say, thank you, so I will never stop thanking you for how much you care and for continuing to pray for my dad. We're so grateful for you.


  1. Thanks for the update on how we can continue to pray for him! Sounds like good progress--yay!

  2. Hi Lindsey, I am so happy to see progress, slowly but surely, your father and family in my prayers for continuing progress. Judy A.

  3. Hi Lindsey, I am so happy to see progress, slowly but surely, your father and family in my prayers for continuing progress. Judy A.

  4. Hi Lindsey, I am so happy to see progress, slowly but surely, your father and family in my prayers for continuing progress. Judy A.

  5. Hi Lindsey, I am so happy to see progress, slowly but surely, your father and family in my prayers for continuing progress. Judy A.

  6. Hi Lindsey, I am so happy to see progress, slowly but surely, your father and family in my prayers for continuing progress. Judy A.

  7. Hi Lindsey, I am so happy to see progress, slowly but surely, your father and family in my prayers for continuing progress. Judy A.

  8. Hi Lindsey, I am so happy to see progress, slowly but surely, your father and family in my prayers for continuing progress. Judy A.

  9. Hi Lindsey, I am so happy to see progress, slowly but surely, your father and family in my prayers for continuing progress. Judy A.

  10. Hi Lindsey, I am so happy to see progress, slowly but surely, your father and family in my prayers for continuing progress. Judy A.


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