
Showing posts from March, 2021

Tuesday, 3/30

They did a trach. collar trial two days ago which basically is like a nasal canal with oxygen and the vent is turned off so my dad does all the work. My dad did wonderful and all his numbers stayed the same. They only try it for 15 minutes at first. They did it again yesterday and he did it for 1 hour and 45 minutes. I'm so thankful he was able to do that which makes him stronger. Praying he can do it for longer and longer periods of time so he can get off the vent completely soon. 

March 29th

Thank you to all who went to Emory to pray for my dad outside the building yesterday or who prayed from afar- that meant to much to us!  ___________________________________________________________________ One of our family's friends is getting a group together to pray for my dad outside the hospital building tonight if you're able to go (Monday, 3/29) from 8-9pm.  They're meeting at Emory Hospital: 1364 Clifton  Rd . They'll meet where the tables are outside of that building along Clifton dr. You have to park in the Lowergate East Parking garage, and then walk down the street to the building where the tables are (the circle in the picture below)Thanks so much for continuing to pray for my dad!

Sunday, 3/28

My dad’s been doing more breathing trials to strengthen his lungs as they start to try and wean him off the vent. Continuing to pray for the breathing trials to go well, for more and more elasticity with his lungs, that the infection is gone from his lungs, and that he gets stronger each day.  We sure are thankful for the awesome care team there at Emory. And, w e’re so thankful that they let one of us visit dad each day.   My dad has been gripping a picture of him and mom today- what a beautiful testament of their love for each other. He's mouthed I love you many times to mom and us, gave Brett a fist bump today, and Corey a thumbs up yesterday, and of course, "a few" eye rolls along the way- you know dad. (:  My dad’s numbers are also looking good today and praying that continues. Very thankful for that. Thank you for continuing to pray- again, it means the world.

Thursday, 3/25

They changed the size of dad's trach. today, so hoping the better fit will work well and allow him to wean off the vent well. He has some pneumonia in his lungs, but he has no fever today and his white blood cell count is good so praying that moves out quickly. Thank you to each of you for continuing to pray for my dad and for the doctors, nurses, and staff at Emory - we are so grateful for each of you. 

Monday, 3/22

This morning the doctor noticed his CO2 level was very high, but that he could rebound. They ended up transporting him to Emory main hospital ICU about 12 today. I left South Carolina for Atlanta after I talked to the doctor this morning and Brett, Corey, and mom all went over to Emory to be with dad. After he was transported to the main Emory hospital, my mom and I were able to be with dad for a few hours and talk to the doctor there.  Dad looked better after we saw him this afternoon. His CO2 level has come down and still needs to come down more. Doing tests to see if a possible infection or something else could have caused the elevation.  We’re continuing to pray for a miracle that he can get off the vent and breathe and recover well. The back and forth is so difficult. Hopefully over the next few days or week we will have more clarity on everything. Thanks so much for praying.

Sunday, 3/21

Yesterday, they lowered the vent setting from full vent to pressure support where he does some breathing work. The next setting after that is the trach collar on opti-flow. Then, nasal canal.  They tend to switch back and forth between full vent right now and pressure support based on what he needs. They said he needs some rest again so that's why he's on full vent again. Hopefully, they'll be able to put him back on pressure support today again.  He has a low fever so they started him on a low-grade antibiotic. Praying that goes away. We continue to pray for a Miracle for my dad for his lungs to heal so he can move forward. In Jesus' Name, amen.

How to Help

Many of you have helped in so many ways and we are so grateful, and many have asked what you can do to help. Something that has been a huge help is having food delivered to the nurses, doctors and other staff. They work tirelessly and giving a token of appreciation by bringing yummy food for stamina helps a lot in taking care of dad and other patients.  If you would like to send food, please email my brother, Corey, at or my brother, Brett, at to get the details. Thanks again to each of you!

Friday, 3/19

 In order for them to start weaning my dad off the vent, his CO2 number needs to come down. Please be praying for that - thanks so much. 

Thursday, 3/18

I'm thankful the move to Emory LTAC went well. I know it was a lot for dad, but I have to remember even though change is uncomfortable, like going to a new place, change can be good and just what's needed. I'm praying this is the step he needs to get off the ventilator. Visitors can come three times a week. While I wish we could come more, I'm thankful we can visit at all as they are just allowing visitors again. This has been a long road, is a long road, and will be a long road, but my dad to be one of the strongest people I've ever known, and I know he can do it with the Lord's help. Our motto: a day at a time. I want to thank the doctors and nurses Northside who spent countless hours taking care of my dad in the little things and the big things. We will be forever grateful to you. Thank you for getting to know my dad and seeing the love, grit, and wonderful personality he has. Thank you to the custodians for ensuring that my dad was comfortable in his room an...

Tuesday, 3/16

The plan is for dad to be moved to the center at Emory tomorrow between 11 and 1- we’re praying the transition goes smoothly. The Lord has worked a miracle with dad starting to improve and we are so grateful. We’re continuing to pray for a miracle that he gets off the vent for good, gets so much stronger in rehab, and for Jesus to fully heal him so he can be at home soon with us. Thank y’all for praying! One of the awesome things I forgot to mention in my last post is that the other day when I was visiting dad, he was holding my hand and I was leaning in close to him to try and hear what he was saying. He pulled me closer to him with his hand and I realized he wanted to kiss my cheek. He did that three different times. it was so so sweet. A daddy's girl right here for sure. This pic. was taken right before my dad walked me down the aisle - this is one of my favorite pictures and favorite moments. I remember my dad saying to me: "I told you you'd meet the right guy and here...

Sunday, 3/14

Everyone told us that it is very difficult to get a room at Emory's center, but I am SO grateful that they called us to let us know that dad is eligible to come there and that there is a room for him. Thank you, Lord. So, he should be moving there in the next few days.  I was able to spend 6 hours with him yesterday which was amazing. My mom and I went for a few hours this morning to see him. They don't usually let visitors come, so I'm so thankful they have been letting us come in some. My dad looks good considering all he has been through and his personality is there which is so great to see. It's frustrating for him to not be able to communicate and to try and tell us something and not be able to since he can't talk yet bc of the tube. But, he'll be able to soon. He has such a glass half-full attitude about life so I know he's he gets that he just needs to push through and that he'll be able to talk soon.  It is a good thing that he shows frustration ...

Thursday, 3/11

Yesterday was rough for dad, but today he has been SO much better. Today, he really responded well, was with it, and so much more like himself. Please be praying that dad would continue showing progress and improve. He's on minimal settings of the ventilator. We would still like his respiratory rate to come down, but we're thankful the way he connected with us and held mom's hand and mouthed, I love you. He smiled many times while we were there today as well. It is wonderful to see all the nurses and doctors that have come to love who my dad is. You know him - making friends with everyone anywhere he goes.  Mom, Brett, Corey, and I have begun talking about next steps. There is a place at Emory where you can go while still on the ventilator. Their goal is to wean you off the ventilator and then for you to go to rehab.  We first have to find out if dad is eligible to get into the center at Emory based on his stats. We would love for you to be praying for wisdom and guidance a...

Tuesday, 3/9

This next few days are really critical for dad- praying his white blood cell count goes down and that he doesn't labor with breathing as he has today and yesterday, but that he is able to breathe well on his own without a ventilator. Praying for a Miracle. Oh, Jesus, please lift my dad up. Please heal him. God, we pray you would have your hand on him and breathe life and healing into him. In Jesus' name, amen.

Monday, 3/8

While my dad moved to the pulmonary floor yesterday, he had to move back to the ICU again this morning. This is so difficult. His white blood cell count was elevated and his respiratory rate was too high so they wanted him to rest some. Because he had the tracheostomy, they can easily give him rest on the ventilator. Then, they will again, try to start weaning him from it to go to optiflow. Thank you for you continued prayers. 

Sunday, 3/7

 My dad's numbers are good and he's still doing well with opti-flow. Thank you, Lord. The plan is to move him out of the ICU today to the pulmonary floor where they focus on lungs. Praying that his secretions would lessen, that his lungs and body would get stronger every day, and that he would continue moving forward. Thank you for walking with us in this and praying for dad!

Thursday, 3/4

I'm so thankful that they were able to put my dad on opti-flow and turn the ventilator off because he is breathing so well (opti-flow provides O2 but dad does the work with the breathing). The good thing about the tracheostomy is that they can easily turn the ventilator back on if he needs some rest with breathing, or if he's breathing well, they can leave the ventilator off and keep the setting where it is now, or lower the setting more. Praying he continues breathing better and getting stronger every day.

Wednesday, 3/3

 The nurse said dad is waking up a lot more today. They started him on antibiotics bc his white blood cell count was 15 yesterday, but today it is 8, so I'm thankful for that. Praying he wakes up more and more today and can respond to more commands, is calm, and that his lungs get stronger every day.